Composite door in blue with decorative glass panel

Why choose a composite door as an entrance door?

Composite door in blue with decorative glass panel

Composite doors! Odds are, if you’ve been researching how to improve your home lately, you’ve been hearing a lot about them. But what exactly makes them such a celebrated and outstanding choice of entrance option? Well, they’re secure, stylish, and just generally represent a smart investment when it comes to keeping your property protected well into the future.

Taking the most treasured parts of the past and updating them for 21st century households, we at Associated Windows thought it’d be useful to take a closer look at composite doors.

Fusing classic style with modern performance

The first thing you’ll notice about composite doors is how incredibly vintage-looking they are compared other aluminium and uPVC styles on the market. This is because most come supplied to make use of an authentic woodgrain aesthetic, being a design that’s suitable for both classic and contemporary homes alike. Combined with a wide selection of attractive handles, knockers, and letterbox furniture, aesthetic can be easily tailored.

Airtight fitting to an outer uPVC frame ensures that every composite door slab installed by the Associated Windows team reduces the likelihood of heat leaks, draughts, and cold spots by quite some way. U-values as low as 0.8 are readily achievable because of this, working in tandem with a uniquely constructed product that might look like a door from the past, but performs to future expectations.

Multi-layered construction for maximum strength and efficiency

The reason composite doors are able to look so good and perform so well compared to other available doors is due to their multi-layered construction. All centred around a solid 48mm timber core which means heat has an extremely tough time escaping, composite doors utilise a mixture of many materials to deliver the benefits of each.

All of this is topped off by an outer coating of Glass Reinforced Plastic or “GRP” which provides a near-invisible layer of outer skin that keeps composite slabs defended against the harshness of natural elements. Made right here in Great Britain and sourced using environmentally-friendly resources, composite doors installed by Associated are better for everyone.

10% thicker than most other composite doors out there

Our selection of composites take what’s typically possible one step further, thanks to us using the Solidor system which is notably 10% thicker than most other options. This helps give Bristol homeowners added peace of mind due to greater defence against unwanted intruders as well as any possible chill that could otherwise set in.

The very best composite doors from Associated Windows

Installing a composite door into your home is a sure-fire way to keep it looking stylish, defended, and efficient. Often considered the premier entrance door option, if you’d like to learn more about how one could enhance your home, get in touch with a member of our team today.

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